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Jiali Ji

:  Singapore
Year of turn pro
: Jan. 2010
:  Grey Rabbit and little Fantasy Devil

Well, I can be very negative at times and I am very lucky that there is alot of people around me to pick me up.. Although they are not always the same people but I am always very grateful :) I am a person who thinks very far ahead of me.. Who sometimes expect too much out of things.. but always forget that somethings are meant to take it slow, and one step at a time.. I always try to appear as a strong individual infront of people, but people who really knows me well, know the real me. :)love doing sports, having fun and travelling. Tried quit drinking everytime I throw up after the big night out.. but it never happened.. lol.. Oh wells.. Its all fun and games.. Love chilling and listening to any kind of music.. Golf.. its still a mystery for me.. I guess.. I will just go with the flow ;) Everything happened for a reason.

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